Wednesday, February 20, 2008
I wish I had........
Good morning one and all. Welcome to Wednesday! For me, Wednesday means only two more "real" workdays this week. That's promising. Wednesday also means a busy day of conference calls, issue resolution, and explaining business processes to those that need a little...shall we say 'help.' Yeah I'll go with help. That's a nice way of putting it. Today also
means I'm on Caffrey duty. We're crate training (ie. potty training) and so he's on a schedule. Does that suprise any of you? If you know me, then I'm doubting that's a shocker! He's still a baby so he eats, sleeps, goes potty, and plays with random objects that provide oral stimulation since he's teething. Sounds a lot like a baby huh! As of this moment he's chasing an empty diet coke bottle....all the while he DOES have an abundance of 'doggie approved' toys to choose from. But why play with those when he can play with something he shouldn't be? Where's the fun in that? Sounds like a toddler to me!! Or sounds like MY toddler at least. Little miss Skylar would much rather have what mommy has than to play with her plethora of Skylar tested/Mommy approved objects of entertainment.....or a least she tries to take what I have and as soon as she figures out, I don't mind, she tosses it to the wayside and goes on about her merry way back to reading or coloring.....two of her obsessions at the moment. Hey, I'll take it! I love that she's so creative and enjoys reading. And I could go on and on all day about her...and some days I will....But back to my point. Don't we as adults always want what someone else has? We want better houses, more money, faster cars, thinner bodies etc. I'm not saying we or I dwell on it, but there's always that thought of, I wish I had.......you fill in the blank. Sometimes I just sit down and remind myself, I have more than I need or could ever want. I have my faith, my family, and my friends. My daughter is healthy and wonderful and my husband is supportive, loving and devoted to our family. I have a home...not a house...BUT a home. I have food to eat, (and obviously more than I need in that area) my sight, my hearing, you get the point. I can walk, and boy can I talk....I can even run. (Although I like to do that in moderation....too much is never a good thing ;-) Sounds simple.........Maybe....but not everyone has those things sadly enough. But I do. And I thank God that I do. But are we ever satisfied? What is ever JUST ENOUGH??? I wish I had that answer......

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