Friday night was an entertaining evening. Randy and I went with the Urban's and Eshleman's to WCS.....Wake County Speedway....and for those of you that know me well, you're probably falling out of your chair right now....knowing that I'm such a big race fan and all. Yeaaahhh...rriitttee....BUT...I must say, it's definitely an experience. Now I KNOW several of you are wanting to know when you can go....So here's the deal...Friday nights....qualifying/practice starts at 6-7ish and racing at 8ish...done by 11ish...The people watching is fantastic and the earplugs make the noise bearable. For you folks that enjoy the sounds of motor revving and tire help... ;-) kidding...but you'd be a happy camper at one of these events. The best race of the night was the my opinion. These were the "little cars".....such something like a civic or an accord ...or even an old sentra..etc. Of course they are a little spruced up, but it's quite an event to watch. From a distance it looked like a bumper car circus. Twas' great!! And YES...there are some female drivers as well.....All in all a fun evening with good friends, some great entertainment, and even after all the bumping and wrecking.....there were no driver injuries :-) Oh yeah...and I have to mention...there's NO OTHER event that I can say I've ever been to that offers fried bologna sandwhiches....that was much so that they sold out!! chose to go with the good ol' hotdog instead!! Now...on to Saturday. We were up early had breakfast and off to target to get Skylar a

kite! With a little guidance from her daddy, she picked a kite with Elmo, Big Bird and other such characters on it. So we took her to lake Benson to fly her very first kite. She was very

excited and thoroughly enjoyed it.....for about 15 minutes....And then it was on to a new event....I think if the wind had cooperated a little more she'd lasted a little longer with it, but Randy sure had fun with it! ;-) We'd packed some bread and so we went in search of some lucky ducks to feed.

Apparently, we were looking in the wrong place or the ducks were ducks to feed! BUT we did come accross quite a few critters. On our eventful nature walk.....we saw some turtles, threw bread to some imaginary fishies, chased a little frog off the trail so he wouldn't get smushed by any runners.....and at then end of our walk....we got to see something I wish I'd had a video camera for. A snake and bird!....We are guessing the snake had been messing with mama bird's nest because she least it reminded me of a mama fussing ;)...she was running back

and forth "fussing" at the snake. I mean she was throwing a fit. And at first the snake was coiled up head out the top....but then he stretched out...and when he did...boy was she giving him a piece of her mind. If you look in the pic...the snake is stretched out to left of the bird....(Note to those freaking out at this point....Skylar was not near this...She could see it....BUT...Randy had her in his arms and at quite a good distance...some runners had forewarned us of the snake that

was perched in the woods off the side of the paved trail.) I didn't have my big camera but I took a few good shots with my smaller one. Now, I'm not as afraid of snakes as I am spiders...but I sure wasn't looking to get close enough to see his eye color.....So this pic will have to do. After our hike through the trails we ended the trip with a quick stop at the playground for a few rides on the little animal things the kids can ride on....I have no idea what you call them...and Skylar of course wanted to slide a few times. We then headed home for lunch and then her naptime....she was quite ready for some sleep time and took a long 3 hour nap! Randy and I had to go to a wedding in Colfax, NC...about an hour 1/2 away...So we left a little before 4 and Skylar got to spend the afternoon/evening with her Nana. They had such a great time as they always do! From what I understand Skylar kept Nana running....and even tried to teach her how to work the remote for the TV :-)The wedding was for my old roomate Alyssa who now lives in Colorado and it was at Magnolia Manor in Colfax. What a neat place...They

got married under the "sweetheart tree"...which was a very cool tree...Hopefully you can see it in the pic. It was huge!! Alyssa made a beautiful bride and Randy and I also got to spend a fun evening with Amy&Patrick, and Sharon & Michael.....It was great to see them and enjoy some fun, dinner, and dancing....I was quite proud of myself for staying in my heels and not

resorting to my flip flops by the late evening....By the time we got home, Randy and I were ready for some sleep!!

Sunday was a relaxing day....just hung out with Skylar...which of course I don't guess you count as "relax" time...but it's always an enjoyable time....she teaches us something new everyday...I did have to go to a baby shower in 4Oaks while Randy and Skylar napped....but that was the extent of my travels on Sunday. comes Monday!!!....
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