Friday, June 27, 2008

Just ramblin.....

It's amazing to me how fast kids learn....and how much smarter they are than we typically give them credit for. Example...the other night Skylar got out her flash cards....and typically does the 52...(or 152) card pick up game. Yeah that's always a treat. Anyhow, she started naming the pictures on the cards and THEN...she says, and Mommy, this is a house....that is letter 'H'....I'm quite sure the look on my face was quite puzzling for her. She continues, ..."mommy that's an x-ray, and so that is letter X"...."This is letter L" etc. You get the picture. I mean she's known her abc's for quite some time now, and even knows them when I do them in sign language, but she threw me off with the cards. She was rattling off letter by letter and the cards weren't in order either. Maybe that's a typical 2 year old skill?? I dunno,...but it sure caught me off guard. I mean I knew that she knew some letters when I'd point to them on her alphabet magnets....but she really knows her stuff. Reading by age 3?? ;-) We'll see!! Regardless, that little girl teaches her mommy and daddy knew stuff everyday. Never a dull moment in the Hodges house and I wouldn't have it any other way. Her latest craze is dancing and singing.....but you don't dare interrupt to sing or dance WITH's her show and she sure lets you know that from the start. If she's heard a song more than once....she knows the words and will sing her little heart cute...even if she is tone's the sweetest voice I've ever heard of course. So anyhow...the other night we kept "baby Lily" neighbors little one. Skylar was an excellent babysitter. While playing on the floor with Lily, Skylar decided it was time to exercise!! So she stands up and tells Lily...."Reach your arms waaayyy up to the sky...Now put your feet out like these and stttreeetcchh....this this way.." I'd never seen her do this little routine so I was intrigued....Lily was too apparently...keep in mind Lily isn't even 4 months old she was watching Skylar's every move! I think Skylar's highlight of the evening was feeding Lily her bottle....thankfully Lily was rather patient with Skylar as well.... ;-)
Well TGIF folks....I gotta treadmill is starring at me....yes it has where'd i put that oxygen again??? ;-) happy weekend!

Friday, June 20, 2008

A 2 year old's mind

Skylar : "Mark was really nice at school today. We read books."
Me : "You did?" "Well that's sounds like a great day!"
Skylar : "Hannah had on yellow."
Me : "She did?" "Yellow is a nice color."
Skylar : "Mommy has on orange and I have on pink."
Me : "That's correct!" "Good job honey...." "Now it's nite nite time....
Skylar : "ha ha ha...I"m so funny mommy! I soo funny!"
........And that's how a 2 year old procrastinates at bedtime.....

Me : "Skylar do you want an egg and cheese with fruit?" Or do you want O's or a bagel?" "What would you like?"
Skylar : "O's mommy, I want O's please!" (aka cheerios)
....I bring her a bowl of O's........
Skylar : "I want raisins!"
Me : "I'm all out of raisins."
Skylar : "I want blueberries!"
Me : "We just ran out of blueberries." - (Side note..she likes fruit in her cereal...) "I can put bananas in it."
Skylar : "Well go to the store mommy!" "Go to the store and get raisins and blueberries please!"
Needless to say....there shall be an abundance of blueberries and raisins in the fridge for breakfast in the morning......

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Just thinkin

Have I mentioned I LOVE the beach? Just making sure I made that clear. I love the sun too....but I've actually learned to use sunscreen despite my tanning addiction. I guess when you have kids, with all the priority changes you make....(and even if you don't have kids...or your's are grown and gone) being healthy ranks high up on that list....or at least it should. I've become increasingly interested in organic foods & beverages, foods/vitamins that fight or help prevent disease tea...etc....and also in safer baby products. As as side note......if you haven't read up on the SLS and formaldahyde in shampoos and body washes....even J& up on it. Pretty interesting what you'll find.....and because of things I've read...I'm trying a new shampoo/body wash with Skylar....called California far so good!! It has no SLS and no formaldahyde or formaldahye it says.....But apparently Castile soap is the safest thing to use...Check out this site....Pretty neat site. Can search for "safe" products like baby shampoos / makeup's you the toxitity levels in products and what each is linked to. So you can find safer products to use
Anyhow...we all know the organic foods and the safer products seem to carry a higher price tag....and that bites.....but quite honestly....for the sake of my child and my family....I can find ways to save in other areas. Those of you that know me....know full well I'm no "Whole Foods" dedicated with all the "bad stuff" going around these days....increased need for stronger meds,....overuse of antibiotics etc....I sure am willing to try newer healthier foods/products to keep my kiddo and my family as healthy and as safe as possible. I mean why not?? But you do have to be careful and learn to read labels. I've definitely learned that. "Juice" isn't always "juice" get the picture. So I'm not stressin' over the topic or anything.....but if there's a healthier alternative to what we use today....why not give em' a try....I'm just thinkin...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Showers, Weddings, Anniversaries...

This week, Randy's parent's (to the left)celebrated their 34th anniversary and My parents (in pic below)celebrated their 35th!! Cheers to the parents and hope they had wonderful anniversaries!! This past weekend Randy & I helped the Hodges with a wedding shower for yet another couple getting married. They'll tie the knot in July at the beach. Won't miss that one ;-) Love me some sand and sea....oh I'll stop in at the wedding too of course. hee hee...Seriously I think Randy and I attend more weddings and showers in any given year than anyone else we know.......we love staying on the go....most of the time......we just need to figure out those winning lottery numbers though if we keep going at this rate!! ;-) After the July wedding, I think they settle down for us for a while....and our vacations to the beach will kick in!! yippee!! So in short....congrats to our parents.....congrats to all those just married and those approaching the altar.....and until our next nuptuial venture....I'll be posting some new topics later in the week....are you on the edge of your seat??!!....I'm so sure.....ha...tah tah 4now

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Do you listen?!?

The Kiesel -Thorne wedding was a lot of fun, and the happy couple is honeymooning in Antigua! How great is that. I'm sooo jealous! Although, right now, it feels like tropical temps plus yucky humidity here in the Carolinas! Anyhow, the festivities began on Friday with a fantastic bridal luncheon at Biaggi's in Cary, then rehersal at the church. Let me just tell you.....the priest was a character. He was absolutely hilarious. Sooo reminded me of Jack Nicholson. Strange comparison huh? :-) He had that raspy voice and crazy humor. After the rehersal we had dinner at the Scott's Mill clubhouse. Good ol' NC bbq. Who can say no to that! There were toasts, tears, and cheers, and we all had a wonderful evening. The wedding itself was awesome, lots of standing up and sittin' down, and new things to see that I hadn't seen done in a ceremony. Randy & I did our reading together and we're so thankful we got to share in their special day. Apparently our elementary reading education paid off ;-) It was a beautiful ceremony.....and THEN...OFF to the reception at the Hilton! Cocktail hour came first with yummy apps and large variety of beverages ;-) Then the wedding party was introduced of course. There were dances, more toasts, an awesome dinner, beautiful cake etc. And the party went into the late evening with friends and family celebrating the newlyweds!! Ya know though, during the ceremony there was something the priest said that made me think....whatch out!!...Meredith's thinkin' here...He talked about how at weddings the wedding party always knows their cues, when sit/stand, sing, give and know..they know their role. But he went on to talk about how a lot of times we just do our job as wedding guests as if it's just "what we know we have to do"....rather than really LISTENING to the words the people, the couple, and the priest have to say. I must say...I've done that a thousand times....our minds tend to wander off rather than really clinging on every important word that is shared in uniting 2 people in a lifelong marriage. Let's hope at the very least....the couple is really paying attention to the commitment they are making in front of God, family, and friends. Maybe if we all started listening a little better, there'd be more anniversaries to celebrate and less divorce in the world. One can hope!! So the next time you attend a I tell my 2 year old...."Put your listening ears on!!!"