The Kiesel -Thorne wedding was a lot of fun, and the happy couple is honeymooning in Antigua! How great is that. I'm sooo jealous! Although, right now, it feels like tropical temps plus yucky humidity here in the Carolinas! Anyhow, the festivities began on Friday with a fantastic bridal luncheon at Biaggi's in

Cary, then rehersal at the church. Let me just tell you.....the priest was a character. He was absolutely hilarious. Sooo reminded me of Jack Nicholson. Strange comparison huh? :-) He had that raspy voice and crazy humor. After the rehersal we had dinner at the Scott's Mill clubhouse. Good ol' NC bbq. Who can say no to that! There were toasts, tears, and cheers, and we all had a wonderful evening.

The wedding itself was awesome, lots of standing up and sittin' down, and new things to see that I hadn't seen done in a ceremony. Randy & I did our reading together and we're so thankful we got to share in their special day. Apparently our elementary reading education paid off ;-) It was a beautiful ceremony.....and THEN...OFF to the reception at the Hilton! Cocktail hour came first with yummy apps and large variety of beverages ;-) Then the wedding party was introduced of course. There were dances, more toasts, an awesome dinner, beautiful cake etc. And the party went into the late evening with friends and family celebrating the newlyweds!!

Ya know though, during the ceremony there was something the priest said that made me think....whatch out!!...Meredith's thinkin' here...He talked about how at weddings the wedding party always knows their cues, when sit/stand, sing, give and Amen...whatever...you know..they know their role. But he went on to talk about how a lot of times we just do our job as wedding guests as if it's just "what we know we have to do"....rather than really LISTENING to the words the people, the couple, and the priest have to say. I must say...I've done that a thousand times....our minds tend to wander off rather than really clinging on every important word that is shared in uniting 2 people in a lifelong marriage. Let's hope at the very least....the couple is really paying attention to the commitment they are making in front of God, family, and friends. Maybe if we all started listening a little better, there'd be more anniversaries to celebrate and less divorce in the world. One can hope!! So the next time you attend a wedding.....like I tell my 2 year old...."Put your listening ears on!!!"
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