We celebrated Nana's birthday with her on Friday at Kaze' Japanese restaurant! It was our first time going and Skylar's first time at that sort of restaurant. She was azmazed by the cook....for about 10 minutes....but she's 2, ok well almost 2 1/2....can't expect her to watch a cook too much longer than that. She enjoyed using chop sticks.....for about 2 minutes...then it was back to the fork. I don't like wooden utensils either...can't blame her there! (I really think she was more excited about her dress than

watching the chef. The kid loves being all dressed up. She even wanted to wear her dress to school on Monday....but that's another story....I'm pretty sure the dresses and bows deal came from her grandmothers....but hey....she's got an arm you wouldn't believe...can throw a ball with toughest of 2 year olds!) lol....Anyhow....Skylar Loved the soup and salad....ate her hibatchi dinner quite well. After our chef was done, she wanted to see more "fire mommy" "I want more fire"....I'm not sure if that's a good thing...lol...but she thought that part was so neat!

However,....when she was full...and ready to go...it was time to go....she was ready to head to the house for some cake and ice cream! But first she had to check out Uncle Stewart's bike....she calls him "silly Uncle Stewart" when she sees him on his motorcycle.... but she thinks it's pretty cool. NOT cool enough for her to ever ride on it though....or any other motorcycle....untils she's 50! ;-) ...says me!! Anyhow, we had a little cake and ice cream at the house

and Skylar coaxed Uncle Stewart out of some quarters for her piggie bank. It was quite a nice evening and I think everyone enjoyed themselves. Skylar even sang Happy Birthday to Nana...ummm...4 or 5 times I do believe!! Was a good time!
On Saturday, Katelyn came over to play. Skylar was soooo excited to see her. She was looking out the

window until Katelyn arrived...and then she ran around the living room yelling "KATELYN'S HERE!!!" Needless to say...she was VERY happy to see Katelyn. The girls had such a great time and got along so well. They played on the swingset and ran around outside, had a dance party in the living room, did some finger painting,....color wonder of course! :-) Then Randy enjoyed making block-bead necklaces with them. That was rather cute. We had such a great time! The rest of the weekend was rather low key....

little shopping for Skylar...out dinner at our fav. mexican restuarant on Sunday....where Skylar of course enjoyed the music and danced her little heart out in the aisle.....she's so ready to get back to dance class....told me so the other day....sort of surprised me....but I guess it shouldn't....the child breaks out the dance moves at the very thought of music!!.....anyhow that's about it...brings us to Monday...another fun start to the work week :-) Have a happy Day.....
I'm so glad they had such a wonderful time together. Thank you for watching her! I'll need to get copies of the pics. I love K's face in the one of them on the glider!
Thanks for all your sweet comments on our page! I love all your pictures of Skylar! Hope you all had a blast at the beach!
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