We're off to another fun/busy weekend....ECU/NCSU game...then to a double bday party...Noah's 1st bday and Ashley's 30th! church on Sunday.....and at some point cleaning and doing laundry....but that's not included on the "fun" list....it's more on the "required" list....not a fan...just not a fan.....LOL....I'm ready for the weekend to begin now!!!!!!! Have a good one!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Catching up...
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Tap tap tap....
I'm hoping we get the same excitement out of her when she starts soccer or t-ball ;-)
Thursday, September 4, 2008
On a lighter note....
Skylar sported her new UNC outfit on Friday....as any devoted football watching toddler would...for some pre-game inspiration. And luckily it worked!...I'm pretty sure Dah loved the outfit.....I know I did, and she certainly did....however, she was a little confused at first....When she put it on, she said "GO COWBOYS!!"....LOL...I had to tell her, YES HONEY, exactly right...we do love our Cowboys...but this outfit is for the tarheels....and the she says...ok.."Go Carolina!!" .....That's my girl! :-) I'm pretty sure Randy is hoping for a better outcome for the Wolfpack this weekend and he'll have Skylar wearing the Pack colors of course!! Yes, I know...poor child....she'll be confused for life in the ACC world....Anyhow...It will be her first Wolfpack game this weekend...if Hanna doesn't come through and mess it all up!....
We had a fabulous Labor Day weekend, complete with family, friends, amazing weather, awesome food, and tons of fun! Celebrating the typically "end of summer" weekend....we had The Crocker Family, The Urban Fam, The White Fam, and of course, Randy, Skylar, myself and Nana Jan...all at the lake house. We also got to spend a little time with some of the Cooper family and that's always a welcomed addition to our boating fun! Even the doggies all had a good time! Gizmo, Caffrey, & Toby....ran all over the place, enjoyed the water, and tried chasing the bocci balls a few times....(mostly Caffrey) We had to discourage that....and encourage more tennis ball chasing instead. We ended the weekend with a fantastic dinner with my folks in H-town and then rolled back to Raleigh to get ready for the short work week.....it's been a busy week too....Skylar starts back with dance class tonight....this time it's not a mommy&me class but a pre-ballet/tap class....I'm sure my floors will never be the same after she gets those shoes....should I be re-thinking this???!! :-) Updates to come......have a happy Thursday.....
McCain / Palin
Now, I'm not usually one to get extremely vocal about politics. But I've about had it with Obama's fluff and call for change, when the changes he wants to make.....well let's see....he's for an increase in taxes.....(yes..he is)including payroll, property, and death taxes,.....(likely to fund more programs for those who choose to sit on their rear ends waiting for government handouts...rather than work...)compromise the security of our nation....keep us dependant on foreign oil/gas....we'll that's just not the change I'm looking for. How about you??? And really...can you be "Comander in Chief" without ever having put on a uniform and fighting for troops that you want to command???? Let me put it in laymen's terms...Do you want a boss at your job, who knows nothing about the job you do?? We'll I for one,....not so much. In fact...I'd be inclined to quit that job quite honestly. I'll tell you, if you're a mother...one thing should tick you off about Obama if nothing else....he's "Undecided on whether life begins at conception. " I don't know about you....but I KNOW life begins at conception....and I'm going to leave it at that for the mere fact the more I think about that statement, the more my blood boils....
Republican or democrat....listen to the speeches....weed out the crap and meaningless fluff....and let's get down to the real issues facing our nation. I've even posted a link here for ya starting with Palin's speech.
I'm sick and tired of people who are jumping on the Obama bandwagon without knowing a freaking thing about what he actually stands for.....or what he DOES NOT stand for I should add.....Just don't be one of those people. Do the research, read on the issues and make an informed decision in November. And if you aren't a registered voter, I'll be happy to help you get registered.....as long as you're voting McCain/Palin ;-)
I'll even give you this link.....to help you read up on where the candidates stand on issues....from various sources....... http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm
I encourage you to read it. Understand it. If you need more information, find it....but do the right thing....and be an educated voter. We can all swing the words of candidates in our favor or with our opinions...but lets dig deeper and find out who our future leaders should really be....
I think Palin said it best when she said "For a season a gifted speaker can inspire with his words, but for a lifetime John McCain has inspired with his deeeds." McCain/Palin.....if you really want change.
Republican or democrat....listen to the speeches....weed out the crap and meaningless fluff....and let's get down to the real issues facing our nation. I've even posted a link here for ya starting with Palin's speech.
I'm sick and tired of people who are jumping on the Obama bandwagon without knowing a freaking thing about what he actually stands for.....or what he DOES NOT stand for I should add.....Just don't be one of those people. Do the research, read on the issues and make an informed decision in November. And if you aren't a registered voter, I'll be happy to help you get registered.....as long as you're voting McCain/Palin ;-)
I'll even give you this link.....to help you read up on where the candidates stand on issues....from various sources....... http://www.ontheissues.org/default.htm
I encourage you to read it. Understand it. If you need more information, find it....but do the right thing....and be an educated voter. We can all swing the words of candidates in our favor or with our opinions...but lets dig deeper and find out who our future leaders should really be....
I think Palin said it best when she said "For a season a gifted speaker can inspire with his words, but for a lifetime John McCain has inspired with his deeeds." McCain/Palin.....if you really want change.
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