What a month it has been....yes...already....craziness with work....qtr end always is nuts...and of course we've been on the go as usual! Skylar attended her first Wolfpack game against William and Mary on September 6th. A little late posting about that.....but anyhow...she loved it. She was very much into the game....clapped at the appropriate times....and let the guys know...to "run that way...and catch the ball!!".....Maybe she should be O'Brien's little helper...lol...they could use it! But of course....mommy would rather see her in Tarheel Blue ;-) Ok....Fast forward.....and new topic....Skylar has show n tell on Fridays. Well she hasn't really been too interested in taking any particular item to share with the class. Everyday she has some sort of stuffed animal with her that she takes for naptime....but nothing other than that. Sooo..the other day I asked her..."What did you show the class on Friday for show n' tell." Without missing a beat...she looks and me and says..." I showed them my shoes!" ....Yes...she is her mother's child...and I'm pretty sure she was wearing flip-flops that day. :-) Another funny...Aunt Kate and baby Lily came over for dinner the other night...Skylar sits down in front of 6 month old Lily and says..."Sooo......What's up Lily?"....I cracked up. That may be one of those "you had to be there" situations, but it was REALLY funny. Later on Lily was fussy and Skylar cocks her head and wrinkles her eyebrows, throws her hands up in the air.... and says, "Lily...WHAT IN DA WORLD??"....YEAH...that had us all laughing at the dinner table. She just makes us laugh all the time...brightens our days...you Never know what's coming out of that little mouth. Lately she's been learning the days of the week...and she's learned that Saturday and Sunday she doesn't have school and "stays with mommy and daddy"....she loves school but I think she looks forward to the weekends just as much we do!

Skylar also recently learned how to ride her bike a bit better....she's known for quite sometime....and would ride periodically....but just didn't quite have the pedal thing down pat....boy has she got it now!! .....But wouldn't you know it,...she only likes going downhill....girl likes the speed...."I go fast Daddy!!! Mommy!! I going fast!".....I'm no fan of pedalling uphill either...but hey..comes with territory!!..Dance is going well.

She gets excited on Thursdays b/c she knows that is dance night and she gets to stomp around a huge room in tap shoes ....and twirl around in her little ballet shoes to fun music. I'm pretty sure it's more entertaining for the parents than anything...but she does love it!
We're off to another fun/busy weekend....ECU/NCSU game...then to a double bday party...Noah's 1st bday and Ashley's 30th! church on Sunday.....and at some point cleaning and doing laundry....but that's not included on the "fun" list....it's more on the "required" list....not a fan...just not a fan.....LOL....I'm ready for the weekend to begin now!!!!!!! Have a good one!
1 comment:
Oh how beautiful and wonderful this is to read and see. I love you all.
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