Skylar really enjoyed the snow again this time. We all built a mimi-me version of a snowman, well Randy did the hard work...I mostly took pics and Skylar packed on some snow here and there and decorated him. She LOVED her little snowman and hugged and kissed him everyday until he melted down to a tiny pile. She was a little sad, but decided we could pack up his "stuff" and save it for when he could come back again next winter....let's hope he comes back next winter! At least once!
Anyhow...Skylar has now started in her first soccer clinic w/ XL Soccer World. She LOVES it. And I must say, I've been impressed so far with the age-appropriate tasks and the "coach." At least the coach we have is great....from what I've seen. We are really....or I should say Mommy is hoping she continues to love it and will play outdoor fall soccer but one class at a class at a time... :-) All week she's been showing me her "red light" aka foot on top of ball to stop a pass....and showing of her passing. In her class last week she loved the "aim" drill where
they stacked up blocks and kicked the ball at them to knock them over. (yes that's me with her...her personal Skylar also enjoyed scoring on goal, but would kick the ball down the field a bit....pick it up and run close to the goal...put it down right in front...kick it and score! She was determined that ball was going in that goal one way or another! It was really cute. Last weekend after soccer / ice cream / lunch and nap...and YES in that order....we got to go visit with the Crocker's and had a great dinner and such a fun visit! Sunday we went to church then home for a lazy rainy Sunday afternoon!
This week has been busy as usual and the weekend won't be any different! Today is Lily (our neighbor's) 1st birthday and tomorrow is Blaine's 8th bday...So happy birthday to the both of them!! And so we have 2 parties, soccer, and church to make for a fun-filled weekend!!
Well..I'm off to my St. Patty's pj's ;-)
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