March was a busy month for us! It was a heavy bday month for sure! First we had Lily's, then Blaine's, then my Mom's, then St. Patty's day...then Skylar's! So we had a good number of birthday parties to attend...And my baby turned 3 on March 27th!! Although, she said it was her birthday everyday in March and everyday so far after March 27th she wanted it to be her birthday....but she knew March 27th was her special day. We celebrated Skylar's birthday with her friends the weekend before at Marbles Museum. She loves that place....and so do we. There's so much for kids to learn and do there...just awesome! On her actual birthday she spent the day with me :-) We had her pictures made at and went to lunch at one of her favorite
places...Chic fil'a....and our then took our traditional visit to Toys r us....That evening we all went to dinner at Outback with Joe, Kate, & baby Lily to celebrate more! It was a fantastic month! One of the parties Skylar went to was a princess dress-up party...right up her alley....she dressed like a princess and had her "make-up" and nails done, took a "carriage ride"....she had a you can see from the pic...Soooo Skylar's been busy being Skylar :-) She's in a dress phase right now....wants to
wear tights and a dress EVERY..YES EVERY....SINGLE DAY!! She gets quite upset if she has to wear pants and a shirt b/c she says "It's not a princess outfit!" "It's not a princess!" And well...OF COURSE...we all know you're not a princess without the right dress.....uh huh....So...mornings are fun in our house if for some reason......we can't locate the appropriate attire and matching tights and shoes. Thank God for Tuesdays! She goes to "tap and tumble" on Tuesdays at school. It's a little gymnastics those days she'll wear appropriate play clothes for tumbling....ok well most days..there was one Tuesday when I had to send her in her cheerleader outfit and leggings. She insisted on a mommy had to get creative....thankfully she was satisfied that it would suffice as the "special dress" for the day. Skylar seems to be growing more independent everyday...if that's possible. "I can do it all by myself mommy!" I wish I had a penny for every time I heard that each day! But I guess I should be thankful she has the desire and ability to lead and do things on her own! Let's see...well...Skylar now knows all her letter sounds. (Like A says AAAA and a' and b says BBBB and bah!) you get the picture. She's starting to recognize letters in words when we read or do flash cards and will say.. that's a T!! And T says teddy and tiger.....You get where I'm going here right? If not , go back to phonics 101! :-) Sooo while she's known her letters for quite a long time now, it's fun to see her make the connection of what the letters sound like when we look at words on the pages etc.
Well...we are still going to soccer and Skylar loves it. "Coach Mark" is her buddy and she has even introduced him to the famous Moo know
she likes you if she shows you moo moo...her pink cow...that is really a giraffe but we thought it was a cow when she got it .....anyway..beside the point..Moo moo is her stuffed animal she's slept with since she was baby. Ok back to soccer...her favorite part of the clinic so far is when they get to stack up blocks and knock them over by kicking the soccer ball at them...I think I mentioned that previously...well it hasn't changed..........and the kid has pretty good aim too, I must say! :-)
It's hard to believe we are already in April!
Skylar moved up to her new small group class at church on Sunday. So she's in with the 3 year olds now and has a new small group leader. Skylar really enjoys going to Hope and we do too. We learn a lot and just love our worship time there. In September our church will be launching multi-sites (b/c we've gotten so large).....We'll have a site in Fuquay/Holly Springs and a site in Morresville. We'll still be "one" church but each church will have it's own campus pastor and all the staff /kid city/ and worship team like we have at the Cary campus....but we'll all see the same message each week. For example if you're at the fuquay site you'll still see Mike'll just see it via projection screen. It's a "Hope where you are" kind of mission. Our Cary location now has 4 services and we're busting at the seams. Isn't God awesome! So with the multi sites, we can continue to be one church family with same beliefs and mission, but people will be able to attend at a site closer to their home / community location. I'm still learning about all this but we're really excited to see what God's doing through all of this! Wow....I got off on a tad of tangent didnt' I?? :-) start April off with a bang..I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out..........less than fun...but not horrible...Six days later...and I can manage to eat something other than yogurt and mashed potatoes now...thank goodness. All in that weekend I had my teeth out, we had my brother in law's bday celebration, soccer Sat. morning, a birthday party Sat. afternoon, church Sunday and neighborhood Easter egg hunt and
cookout Sunday afternoon. I wasn't able to actively participate in much, but I was at least "present" at all the this one's a long one so I'll cut it here and post more later! For those without a home church, I invite you to visit us for a Good Friday service at Hope and then an awesome Easter service at either a Saturday time or a Sunday time. Here's the link!! Have a fantastic week! Oh one more child confirmed I have ADD tendencies last night....We were talking at bedtime and I don't remember what I was saying...but she said "Mommy...FOCUS....You've GOT to FOCUS Mommy...!!" I cracked up but had to hide the laughter from her...and my mouth still hurts to laugh anyway...but REALLY??? MY 3 YEAR OLD ..telling me to Focus?? Ok I'm done....I have to go "focus" on other stuff now!
1 comment:
I cannot believe how tall she is getting and how long and beautiful her hair is, I cannot wait to see her!
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