Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Friday!

Good AM one and all! I do love Fridays. I especially love Fridays that I don't have to work! So I hope everyone had a pleasant Valentine's Day yesterday. The Hodges house was lots of fun last night. Skylar enjoyed opening her gifts from us and playing with her "boon" her Daddy bought her. She also brought home her valentine cards from her classmates and a very special "peasant" = present...for mommy and daddy. She quickly moved past us to entertain Caffrey, or "Caffeeeyyy!!" as she likes to say. Kids sure are funny aren't they. They have their own language for sure. Speaking of which..while on that topic.....As many of you know, we started Skylar out learning sign language before she could talk...or before she spoke in a language we could understand I should say. Now she is quite the chatter box but loves to show you all her signs and every now and then, when we "just don't get it", she'll sign to Randy and I to make us understand what she's saying. It's hilarious and brilliant all at the same time. Many have asked.."why continue with the signing now that she communicates verbally" answer to you is WHY NOT?? There's tons of emphasis on teaching kids foreign language these days and that's wonderful. But, ASL= American Sign Language IS a foreign language to those who don't know it. Hearing impaired folks have a special place in my heart and so we will continue to teach Skylar as we all learn together. We were blessed with a beautiful healthy daughter and her hearing works me....although sometimes she chooses to use her selective hearing when she doesn't WANT to hear us. So.... you never know where the road may lead, she may be able to help children with hearing disabilities in her school, church, or wherever she may be someday. As long as she continues to enjoy it and loves to share it with people, we'll continue to encourage it.
Thought to ponder......what talents do you have to share with others for the benefit of humanity?????

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